Attain impact and reach your goals with values-based communication
Seminar contents value-based communication:
- Why value-based communication?
- The benefits. Values, beliefs, human images ...
- How our values and beliefs shape us:
- Our values as drivers of our behavior
- Our attitude as the starting point, our actions as the trigger: we are responsible for our impact on others
- Recognizing the consequences of our actions for ourselves and others: Our communication is never "ineffective"
- What does appreciative communication mean in concrete implementation?
- The principles of appreciative communication: Appreciation creates value Appreciative communication as sustainable relationship management
- Creating trust through authenticity, credibility and reliability
- Fairness as a sustainable success factor Fair.speak + fair.act = fair.some
- Case studies, reflections and exercises Personal learning transfer into practice
I look forward to hearing from you in order to coordinate your seminar "value-based communication" tailored to your company's needs
Seminar implementation: According to customer requirements, in your company.
Heidelberg, Mannheim, Frankfurt, Germany-wide and internationally.