Corporate mission statement
DR. ULRICH WIEK Personnel & Organisational Development
"Identity and Vision":
Service provider, consultant and initiator for value-oriented personnel and organisational development.
I support people and organisations in doing the right thing really well:
To live fairness, responsibility and sustainability and to be economically successful.
"Societal oriented business".
I have a socio-political motivation and work to make people, organisations and society stronger:
Strong people, strong organisations, strong society.
I am driven by fundamental questions which we should answer realistically and courageously:
- What makes this world a better place?
- What contribution can we as people and organisations make to this?
- What are we doing? How do we do it? What are we not doing?
I am a "value prioritiser" and take a position.
These values have a special meaning for me:
- Fairness
- Responsibility
- Commitment
- Reliability
In everyday life, we all face a variety of decisions. There is not always a clear "right" or "wrong", but often a "right" and a "wrong" one. I would like to consciously initiate this discussion: What is more right? What is more sensible? This is where our values should guide us and lead us in the right direction - with the realistic knowledge that as human beings we will never be perfect.
I stand for a clear prioritisation of values, which should also be reflected in our daily actions: Fairness, responsibility, public welfare and sustainability take precedence over profit, selfishness and indifference.
I am firmly convinced that economic success is possible with this prioritisation of values - in the future even more so.
I operate in an economic environment and finance myself through income. This means that I am not philanthropic or charitable, but that my business management is geared towards securing a sustainable livelihood. I strive to generate reasonable profits in order to make a lasting positive contribution to society and my clients.
"Mission": What am I there for? What is my contribution?
The environment for people and organisations has changed considerably and will continue to change in the coming years. Major challenges posed by climate change and environmental pollution, social inequalities, digitalisation and dynamic market changes require a new way of thinking, feeling and acting from all those involved in companies and organisations. A "business as usual" is not a viable option for the future; what is needed is a substantial transformation of organisations and of society as a whole, oriented towards the common good.
Company management, executives and employees are therefore faced with central questions:
How can we remain sustainable in this world? How do we secure a stable livelihood for ourselves and our organisations in the coming years?
What is our contribution, our mission, our business model?
What are we doing and what are we not doing? How do we do it?
- To answer these questions, knowledge and values are needed, among other things.
- The necessary knowledge includes information about the economic, ecological and social challenges and about effective solutions.
The values that guide us must also be sustainable. This is why we need a meaningful reflection on values.
To answer these questions, knowledge and values are needed, among other things.
The necessary knowledge includes information about the economic, ecological and social challenges and about effective approaches to solving them.
The values that guide us must also be sustainable. This is why we need a meaningful reflection on values.
My task is therefore
By providing competent and effective services, I support people and organisations in aligning their actions even more closely with values such as fairness, responsibility and sustainability. In this way they can continue to make a positive contribution to society and continue to be economically successful in the future.
My target groups include
- Organisational and corporate management
- Managers at all levels
- Employees
- Stakeholders such as customers and suppliers
- political decision-makers and society as a whole.
My central goals
I strive to achieve a recognisable impact through my work, i.e. to make a positive contribution to the future viability of my clients and to a fair and sustainable society.
My goal is to achieve a perceptible recognition and reputation as a reliable authority and to be able to say: "I am being approached, asked, commissioned".
I strive to generate enough income each year to achieve a reasonable and sufficient financial return (the focus is not on maximisation). The profit covers necessary future investments and secures my long-term economic existence.
Code of conduct:
It is important to me to live the formulated socio-political motivation together with my team and in cooperation with business partners and stakeholders. I base my daily activities on the formulated values; they are the yardstick and provide orientation for me as well as for us as a team and our target groups:
Fairness means to me:
Consideration, solidarity, being able to do without, respecting others.
Responsibility means to me:
taking into account the effects of one's own actions; standing by one's mistakes.
For me, commitment means:
to care; to open your mouth, not to look away.
For me, reliability means:
standing by my word, keeping agreements, "walk the talk".
On the basis of these values I am very performance-oriented: However, for me, performance is not only measured by the number of "man-days" sold or the turnover and profit achieved, but by the impact I achieve for my target groups and the way I achieve this.
Service shapes my self-image. Together with my team I provide a service for people, organisations and society as a whole. However, in our field of activity, service does not mean "speaking your mind" or saying "yes" all the time.
This does not happen without making mistakes. The ability for self-reflection and self-criticism is an elementary requirement for me, which I want to meet every day anew.
Ulrich Wiek / Heidelberg